"No, not that."

"Not that either."

-ha! That's it!"

"Let's make cupcakes!"

"Can we make 300 of them?"

"Control yourself, Lardee."

"These hats mean business."

"I hope all these tools have been sanitized."

"Step one: pour mix."

"Step two: moisturize mix."

"Then add equal parts mix and sugar."

"Careful not to break the eggs."

"Stir, stir, stir
'til everything's a blur."

"Lardee, try some."
"This Orange soda should do the trick."


"This is gonna be delicious."

"Set it for five minutes. I don't wanna wait too long."

"Hey Lardee! Where'd your hat go?"


"All done!"

"Hot, hot hot!"

"Man, this tastes kinda weird."

"Perhaps less sugar next time..."

"And more Orange Soda."
aww! made my day :)
hahahaha they're soooooooooo cute!!!!
Long awaited! Another masterpiece! Totally made the day lit up!
ickle, Lardee, may I have 1 of your muffin? Pretty please? =P
awwww... so cute! love 'em both.. XD
... as usual :)
This one was so well done! Awesome.
orange soda???? eww :D
They are adorable!
Thank you for sharing with us.
Hmmm I wonder where's the chef hat :\
Finally a new post!!!! I'm lovin' it!! well done~ just made my day again~
ickle & Lardee are so adorable with their chef hats!
thanks for the long-awaited update ;)
Just too cute!!!
Haha! How cute isn't that?
yey new entry!
Lardee's fault for too much soda!
This is so cute, and with an funny story as well! There's somthing special when toys are cooking. I know a Norwegian monky chef at http://matmedmonkis.blogspot.com who is funny as well.
Can't wait for the next Lardee & icle adventure!
so so so cute~~<3
so where did Lardee's hat go?! they're sooo cute!
Hahaha! So funny and cute! Brilliant! :D
man this is such a funny one! reminds me of the time in school when i tried baking a cake. hahha! thanks once again! :)
So cute and sweet and so so funny!!!
"Let's set to 5 minutes, I don't want to wait too long" LOL!!
i love it
Love it!
What an inspiration! :D
...but where DID Lardee's hat go?
Your little chefs are so cute and lovely... Thank you for sharing their stories!
As always: Just brilliant! Can't wait for the book! :D
I'll make sure you get a Norwegian translation as soon as it is out :P
Really, really CUTE! :)
Sooooo cute!! It's been a while since i've heard something from this blog :D Lovely!
this is wonderful! :)
I absolutely love your work. Great idea!
I did something similar when I was younger, wasn't very nice.
India Rose
- www.indiaroseknows.blogspot.com
so cute!!!!! i love them, meaning i love you!
Where do you get the ideas for these? SO cute! <3
can't wait for more! =D
Ha ha ha ha ha !!!! It is too cute.
PS:Of course, add more soda.
; )
Just what I needed this morning.
Nham, nham!
SUPERB, as usual! I love it that Lardee puts things on his head. And the chocolate smidges on the teef made me so happy. But the part where I shrieked with joy was seeing them for the first time with their chef hats on. AWESOME.
Thank you so much for this wonderful wonderful wonderful wonderful blog. It never fails to brighten my day!!!!!!!!
I've never commented on here before, but feel compelled to tell you that I'm absolutely in love with this blog and my 5 year old son and I have such a great time reading it together. He's convinced that when he loses his teeth, they will come to life with their own little personalities like ickle and Lardee.
So silly and cute! I love these lil' creative stories:)
"Careful not to break the eggs."
teehee :-D
I don't know how you do it.But every single time you post a new tale; it's somehow better than the last. And each time, I think "it can't possibly be better" and yet, it is!
Thank you for sharing these gentle, sweet and altogether perfect stories with us.
SO WONDEFUL I love it, love it, love it, love it! :D
what creative ingenuity, my dear! i absoltely fell in love with your blog. it is just so fantastically funny and creative. it astound me, and thank you for posting your stories and delightful pictures wit us♥
Hey, Once again you made my day =D Thank You for your work... it's just beautiful... =)
I love ickle and Lardee so much!!
Thanks for giving me a laugh after going thru a busy day!
They are so cute!!!! *3*
Adorable - will the wayward chef's hat ever be found?!? :) M
Oh so cute and funny!!
your blog is supercute
hahaha, omg, this is so unbearably cute!!! <333
love love LOVE
so.. really cute :)
So fun! I just love all the details you put into these.
Smudges, spills..It's just perfect and so much fun!
Awww! The lil hats! So so cute.
Dear Inhae... You are one of a kind! I LOVE your blog, a great mood booster.. :D
keep up the good work!!
big hug for ickle and Lardee..
Annisa - Indonesia.
Aaaa :----DDD cute!! I love your blog! Whenever you update, I'm happy.
The Toofies are adorable! Thank you for sharing!^O^)b
Thank you for using Gluten Free mixes! That really made my day.
Can they come over to me house and make me some cupcakes?
Another wonderful post!coe
Oh God, I love these stories! this one was excellent!
Keep up the good work! greetings from Argentina!
I made some muffins today too! aww they really look too cute with the chef hats!
I want my own toof!!! Please sell your models!
Ohhhh!!! Now I want to make cupcakes too! Soooo cuuuute!!!! ^___^
Kisses from Brazil!
"Perhaps less sugar next time" - hahahaa...what sweet toofs. Thank you.
super cute!
where did the hat go?! :P
you're awesome! :D
I worship you!!
exelent!hehe i giggled so hard! keep up the good work!
Great story...I also love the new banner and the image of ickle and Lardee at the side.
"Can we make 300 of them?"
"Control yourself, Lardee."
omg, i laughed so hard!
i wish every recipe there are can have lardee and ickle in it! though all the food might turn out a little suspicious in the end, haha =p
What great little hat!
naw, I liked this one. It wasnt to long, just perfect!
"Careful not to break the eggs."
So cute!
LOVE it!
Yummy, Yummy
so cute, it should be illegal. The little chef's hats *squeal*
oh inhae~ i ALWAYS look forward to the next update.
those chef hats are SO ADORABLE!
thank you for brightening up my day~
hihee..lardee! ickle!!
y u are so so cute huh?????
u make my day lar!!!
I love it!!! ha ha so adorably cute! x
Oh, this is too cute!
I can't decide what was the best part about this fantastic new story...
- the chef hats? Made me smile at the total cuteness and creativity.
- ickle staring disapprovingly at the unsanitized wooden spoon? Classic!
- standing beside their messy cupcakes before they go in the oven... just perfect.
Why do I think Lardee's hat fell into the cupcake mix??
Wonderful as always, Inhae! I get the biggest smile on my face each time I see a new update.
HAHAHAHAHA... this blog is the best!!
awwwwwawawawaawawawaw!!! lovin ickle and lardee!!! XD
Loveee~~~~ *^^*
I just stumbled on this site. These are such cute stories! I can't wait to tell everyone about this. Wonderful pictures!
Hahaha awesomeee!
But where's lardee's hat?
I dont know how you do it but this is PERFECT; i love it :* so freacking adorable
I've decided that you're a creative genius. This is now a fact.
naww, this blog is incredibly cute. >_< i'm a new fan now, after seeing this little adventure of ickle and lardee. :D
I love it! (:
this is adorable :)
gosh this is so cute I LOVE LARDEE AND ICKLE. <3
looks delicious. someday, they can make a great chef!
OOHH MY GOOODDDD!! XDDDD This is the most cute blog I've ever see!!! xDDDD
Oh my god, this is probably the cutest thing I've ever seen!
so cute. to cute to be exact. so creative. love the pictures taken...
"They forgot the bananas!"
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ They look so cute in their little chef's hats!
"Careful not to break the eggs." -- Bwahahahahahahaha!!!!!!
Ow Man, this is so awsome and cute, I want a Milk toof for me too ;.; You're a genius! Kisses from Brazil =D
Big smiles on my face right now....
love it!
Awwwwwwwww! I guess ickle finally recognizes Lardee's creative accomplishments. Definitely more orange soda next time!
I want prints of ickle and Lardee cooking to hang in my kitchen!
Are the little toofs going to have a Halloween adventure? Or at least wee little costumes? PLEASE? ickle could be a dentist, or a vampire!...Lardee could be a piece of candy corn. :)
keep up with the good work!
you've made my day! ;D
Thanks for the joy you bring to us
so lovely!
haha...so funny!!!! :P
I loooove Lardee! Thanks for the smiles little milk toofs :)
pure brilliance, love it.
soo grateful to you for making this, and also to the person who linked me here. really great stuff, keep it up.
Thanks for the great stories and esp the pictures! I want to frame them all! These little guys make me so happy :)
this is awesome! I love it!
all hail cooking lessons!!!!
i love the bit when it lost it's hat :) adorable!
another mystery (y)
Careful not to break the eggs!!!LOL
Yes...where did Lardee's hat go? Bottom of his cupcake?LOL
Thanks soo much for sharing.It is soo fun to come see what you have done!
ickle and Lardee need to write their own cookbook.
You can never go wrong with orange soda. These toofs really know they're stuff!
soooo dang cute!!
that is really really cute!
i love it - as i always do.
i have so much love for these little guys <3
I love them, i discovered today and cant stop laughing. Thanks,
hahaha! This is the best I've seen in a long long time! Hilarious!
Muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuito legal,very,very,very cool.
aaawwww..i just so love ickle and lardee..they are soooo cute! can i have one of them??lol
I've read about your blog in one of our newspapers this morning..i'm really glad i opened your blog..
I just found your blog, and oh my these little toothies were amazingly cute :D
So gracious and cute!!! wuajajjaja!!
this is adorable and amazing!
how cute it is!:)
cute, cute, cute, cute, cute..
omg so cute! can't wait for ur next post(:
OH MY GOODNESS! this is so cute.
This one was really great - though they all always are - I loved the eggs. hahaha
awww (:
orange soda is a perfect ingredient for cupcakes (;
woow i'm from mexico and i love it! you do such a good work! congrats! i hope with time this'll be a good idea!! :D
I recently found your blog (perhaps a couple months back), & have never commented before but HOW CUTE ARE ICKLE & LARDEE?!
They have got to be the most adorable things ever. Can we look forward to bios of them both? Hehe.
Lardee in the last picture... wow!
Thank you, thank you very much.
"Careful not to break the eggs..."
PS: Who cleaned the kitchen after the baking lessons?
Have a nice day!
Regards from Germany, Maarit
hahaha lovely blog!
haha love it. Go Ikle and Lardee....!! :P
The long wait was well worth it *___* ahhh so cuteee omigosh the paper hats!! /melts
oh sooooooooooooo cute and they're cooking!! ahahhaaha give me some of those cupcakes, please? *big grins*
hehehee awesomely done! Kudos!
sometimes I wish I could sit in a giant cupcake cup and just eat my way out.
I was wondering if Lardee and ickle were interested in doing a column of their own? A sort of "ask ickle and lardee"? I'm sure we all have some thoughts and questions.
oh your blog is fanstastic!
i like it really much!
Soo cute! I saw your blog for the first time today, but not the last time for sure!!
That must be the cutest thing I've seen in a looong time!! X-D
I like how lardee at the end chomps down on the cake. Hahaha chubby lardee
Def one of my faves so far!
they're sooo cute! so where did lardee's hat went? keke!
dats ok ickle, Lardee will finish ur muffin ;P
This is the best blog in the whole world.
The chef hats are the best! Also, this one is super funny! I wish I could come to California this weekend. Good luck!
Is that Nigella Lawson's baking book? ^^
You really put so much effort into making these, and they're adorable. Thank you so much!
OH MY! This is too cute!
Hmm..could it possibly be that Lardee's hat went into the mixture? Lawls..great job..
Aww,these just keep getting better. :)
Awnn just luv it!
HAHAHAH! Wonderful :D
Cute and yummy <3
I could (and probably will) read this over and over again!
Can we please have a kids book? My munkchin would love it!
The baking adventure reminds me of Sleeping Beauty, when the fairies are trying to make cake, "Two eggs, fold in gently.. FOLD??" And she plops the eggs in the batter and squishes them down. :)
oh these stories are so cute! I'll definitely come back for the next one.
GREAT! really cheered me up. :) thanks alot!
Oh my gosh, laugh out loud funny!
I didn't know these teeth could be so entertaining, ha ha ha - great stuff!
Oh gosh, I'm in love!
aww..this is so cute!
It's so cute ! ♥
Hi! It's the first time I am visiting your blog and "read" one of your milk toof stories! It's great! and so adorable! Kepp it up! I will keep on following if you do not mind and tell my friends about it, too!
My God, I LOVE THESE! Probably the cutest thing I've ever seen.
I'm so glad I found this site. Can't wait for the next painstakingly detailed posts.
hahahaha..so funny!!
they are so cute!!really!!
this is the first time I read a blog in picture..
Glad to find your site..hahaha..
Heey, where did Lardee´s hat go?
This is so adorable!! <3
i know where lardee's hat went! - into one of their cupcakes -
oh my, just came over from the pikaland blog. your milktoof stories are so adorable and funny!
Just amazing. Thanks for sharing them with us, talented lady!
Your blog is amazing, you've kept me entertained for hours, and I sort of feel a little bit addicted to reading all your stories of Ickle and Lardee! Thanks for something so different and entertaining :) love it!
HAHA amazing!!!!
Hahaha.....so cuuuuuuuuuuuute!!!!!
So cute!!!
haha this is just ADORABLE! love it :)
just discovered your blog! absolutely ADORABLE! Thank you for sharing something so creative and adorable.
so cute and lovely toof :)
aww! the little teef r sooooooooooooo cute!
OMG....they are so cutie!!!! want to hear more adventures more them...please keep them coming! <3
So cute!
Great for teaching ESL!
I absolutely love this story, it's the best of all and still I totally ADORE all of your little toof-stories :)
HAHA amazing!!!! x
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