8:15 am
"Good morning, new house!"
8:17 am
"Don't talk Lardee, just take it in."
9:00 am
10:45 am
"A little more to the right...no left...down more...no...."
10:46 am
12:25 pm
"I just wanted you to know, I like the food
you serve in our new house."
"Best thing about a new home is
there's not too much dust yet."
3:07 pm
"New house, new style.
You're welcome."
6:45 pm
"Easy on the pepper-- stick to the recipe."
8:20 pm
"Haha, this guy eats more than you, Lardee.."
9:08 pm
9:12 pm
so adorable!!!!!
So glad to see that the teef are enjoying their new home! So glad to have a new chapter!
i just moved into my new home yesterday! looks like ickle and Lardee had a more eventful post-moving time though hehe (:
This is just too adorable!
That is so adorable! Thanks for the fun! xo Jennifer
Love seeing Ickle and Lardee's first adventures in their new home!!!
These little guys make me so happy xoxo
♥ Cateaclysmic ♥
I'm glad to see you're back! Keep doing this amazing job :)
Lardee and Ickle are back! I have missed them so much. It looks like they have a great new home.
So happy to see Ickle and Lardee again, those time out chairs are too stinking cute for words!
We are so happy!!!!
I'm so so so happy they're back!!!
How funny!!!
YAY! They're back! :D
Love it!
Thanks for posting! What a blessing to come home after work to see a new ickle and Lardee post! :D
Thank God for you and your creativity!
Such a busy day! :)
ah, yes! have missed you guys! so adorable:-) "Haha, this guy eats more than you, Lardee.." is my favourite, ha! :') xx
Yeah Ickle and Lardee are back! I love this guys!
I love it. Great story, great work! <3
That time out picture is so adorable. :'D
Oh, I just adore your little teeth couple so much! I'm a dental assistant myself and also runs a blog in the subject. I shared one of your picture stories and hope that's ok? Of course I gave you all the credit and linked here! You can find it here, its in Swedish though:
Thanks for a lovely inspiration!
Regards/ Johanna, Sweden
More to come :) this made my day <3
Yay, they're back. \o/
Great new place. The time out and sleeping in the bunk beds with their little hats on are my favourite of this set. So cute. :D
I just felt my heart grow with warmth.
Oh, they're just so cute! What a beautiful story, Inhae :)
So relieved! Was worried we'd lost the teefs forever. I hope that you're enjoying your new home as much as ickle and Lardee are! Thank you for another imaginative and adorable post.
Welcome back. Looking forward to more beautiful adventures.
I got so excited when I saw your new post on Bloglovin!! So sweet, I love this blog soo much <3
Happy to see new adventures of Ickle and Lardee. We missed them a lot, really.
I hope everything went allright during the move, and that all of you enjoy the new place.
cuteness overload, miss these cuties so much :-*
some have put on weight!
hooray!! welcome back Ickle and Larde. Miss you so much and really happy to see your lovely new house.
I love this guys! It's so adorable!
Yay! Can't wait to see more :)
I miss you guys so much!! Thank you so much!! I have fun time reading them! Can't wait for the next adventures!!
Oh, I'm so happy to see these adorable two again! Thank you so much for this new adventure. Hope you like your new home as much as they do :)!
Aw, you're finally back! I've missed you guys!! <3
Look at how much Lardee loves pastries! So cute!
Welcome back!! And welcome to your new home!! So excited to have more stories from our favorite teef! Best wishes!
I really like it! ^^
So glad you´re back - I´ve missed you guys! Thank you for another wonderful story!
They're BAAACK!!!! So freakin' adorable. Can't wait for more new adventures!
Love Your work and that toy. Best story from pictures :)
Amazing! I like all the things that is in your story! The toys, plot, everything. Thanks for sahring us ^^
I love your stories
Aww they left carrot?? D:
I am so happy they (and you) are back. And with so adorable photos!
Welgone to the new home!
Br, Maarit from Finland
too much fun!
great idea and great story, brillian :))
Ooh - I missed, I love you. Welcome back, ickle and Lardee ♥
Glad to see the little guys settle into their new home :)
Awww sleepy teeth :D
I like it
I love it !
Brrrrilliant! :D
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Really funny and interesting. Amazing thinking Inhae Lee. I think no one can even think that we can use teeth in an animation or treat them as a living thing. Keep it up and Good luck for your journey.
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