Monday, February 13, 2012

Things for Carrot #1


"Look Carrot, this is a favorite picture of us."


"Say Cheese!"



"We'll Photoshop you in later."


Tsukiko said...

once more, so super cute and lovely!!!!
You're the best! :)

rebecca said...

aaaah! lovely! carrot is so perfectly do you DO it!? <3

Laura Jones said...

gosh, they're all so adorable! :-) x

Rose said...

your blog is so cute!

gina said...

Awww.. That makes a complete family portrait! :D

But what is the "ice" looking thing for? Lighting? hehe

tinajo said...

Haha - so sweet! :-)

Stewey said...

So adorable!

Zane said...

funny :) love it

MonsieurFroggy said...

Awesome ! Love Carrot !

enthusiastically, dawn said...

Love this! So looking forward to interviewing you! Can't wait to show my daughter!

Kerstin said...

Awww, what lovely friends they are. :) And professional photographers too. Love the tiny camera! :D

Ellen Lundberg said...

Cute :)

Natalia L. said...

Hahaha! So cute! <3

Anonymous said...

awesome photos as always but... poor fish! please say that you don't keep her/him in that 'aquarium' :C

ShyScout said...

Haha. Adorable as always :]

Anonymous said...

Love Carrot!

Anonymous said...

Awww, so cute! What did you have to do to get carrot to look the right way?! :)

Kelly @
Elegantly Academic

Eiko82 said...

Hahaha, so cute.

Unknown said...

Happy family!

Lilian said...

I love how professional they are. Lardee even has a reflector! :D

AmiVieNeski said...

they even took picture with carrot!~ so nice!!

Unknown said...

So adorable, I love the expressions in the photo!!

キーリん♡ said...

Photoshop, the quicker fixer upper xD Great post! :D

~ Kieli ~

Mani said...

Aw, I already love Carrot! :)

Erica said...

Aww, so cute and so sweet! ♥

SJ Putros said...

This always makes my day. Thank you for creating these wonderful little moments :D

Julie said...

Aw thoughtful.

me said...

lol, "we'll photoshop you in later" :p

Anonymous said...

love U!

Rafa Monteiro said...

I realy love all their historys! so cute!

busma said...

I LOVE them!! So happy to see your little stories


Awww they are so funny and cute! Love your blog.

Come back and visit our.

Silvia La Gata Con Botas said...

hahahaha this is so cute and funny! That reflector made me laugh soooo loud!!! :))

Anonymous said...

Make more! I miss them! :(