Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Summer : Wednesday

Summer : Wednesday


Aly said...

OMG. Cookie slide = made of win. Make sure they eat healthy things, too! Don't want any milk toof cavities.

Aaron said...

Wonderful! My Milk Toof updates are the highlight of my week Thank you!

Anonymous said...

looks like these lil guys have made some tastey friends!

Kathryn said...

Animal crackers need to have fun too! So cute :D <3

KT Grant said...

Animal cookies!!

jae said...

ahahah that is awesome! they`re so cute <3

Denysia said...

awwww... they really love cookies! :)

PurrfectOne said...

I love animal cookies! ickle and Lardee are cute and smart too.

Mónica Pavón Mardones said...

I really love this blog... Greetings from Chile!!!!

Anonymous said...

These make my day! Thank you much for sharing this. I hope you'll make a book someday for those of us who would like to read a Milk Toof adventure snuggled in bed!

Unknown said...

I love these daily updates - what will they be up to next!?!?!

Jessica Mooney said...

Your Milk Teef are little rays of sunshine! There's been a lot of bad news in the world lately--you make the world a little better place ickle and Lardee. For reals!

Gina said...

Are ickle and Lardee playing with the animal crackers or are they simply using the slide as a way of moving the crackers from the cookie jar to the counter, then who knows where else after that? LOL!
I love these guys! Just thinking about them makes me smile.

Anonymous said...

hehe tiny playground :D


NomNomNom said...

what a great way to spend a Wednesday :) <3

Unknown said...

yeah! I use to eat that biscuits too!

Farah Rosni said...

they're adorable.

Solveig Irene said...

aww, the cutest thing ever! I'm so happy I found your blog :'D

Monica said...

Where do you find such tiny, miniaturized playground equipment and toys??

Malin said...

oh, this was the perfect start of this thursday! thank you for having such a adorable blog :*

Zeno said...

Another adorable update! :)

Kvet said...

I think that your pictures are full of life.
It's quite strange =)

Anonymous said...

giant cookie raid! and you have a lot of little tykes stuff. Did you buy those for the milk teef? so cool!!!!

Tristian said...

i'm having a very hard time with work and such at the moment and being completely honest, ickle and lardee are my absolute day-brightners. i love them to pieces and i thank you for the little bits of joy they bring. even on my worst days they bring a smile. sounds silly, but it's important.

ragnhild said...

cookies!! :D

Nadia Atmaji said...

ah made my day :>

Unknown said...

ickle's expression is hilarious

you're just awesome, Inhae!

Unknown said...

so cute!! i always wait for your update...

Jinny said...

LOL!!! oh nooo! they're taking all the cookies

Anonymous said...

Don't eat all those sweets at once, you two! You'll get cavities! ;)

Ligia said...

oh lardeeee! :D

Periodical Curiosity said...

Holy Moly!! You keep adding more cuteness! Wonderful!

LúGreen said...

milk toof makes me smile each time I follow it.

so sensible!

Barbro Andersen said...

Awsome =)

Naty said...

Beautiful!! Greetings from Brazil!

ariel said...

Aww They are so cute!

Karen said...

ooo cookiessssss *giggles*


Unknown said...

awww this and "we be bubble monsters, rawrr" are my all time favorites :)

Unknown said...

These small thingies floats my boat. Such a wonderful idea. Love it!

Karen said...

Oh!This reminded me that i once fell from the slide when i was 5 years old and my lips bleed...please becareful on the slide.

Cicci said...

Daily updates, YES! So fun!

Hannah said...

Aha! Caught you two playing with cookies!

Marina said...

My favorite one!

Anonymous said...

i miss you, plz come back soon, kiss

Anonymous said...

they just messed up your kitchen!

vina fitria said...

this blog is my new addiction *lols*,
love u both ickle & lardee :)

estroJen said...

either they are freeing those animals or they are going to get some serious would be funny for Halloween, make them zombies with cavities...lmaooo :)

much respect, this is one of the best forms of art I have seen on the internet :)


Donna said...

did u make those?? can i buy one from u there so cute! email me at

Anonymous said...

OMG Nawty teef! ><
You will get caries...... stay awayyyyyyy Lardeeeeeeee!!!! OMG ickle is so cute in the cookie jar!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, this gave me such a memory of sending my brother's Hot Wheels down the slide like a ski jump!!!

Anonymous said...

what toy brand is that red and blue slide?

شركة التنظيف المثالي said...

تقوم شركة التنظيف المثالي بتنظيف الجدران والأسقف من الغبار بشكل يومي، سواء أكانت الجدران مطلية بالدهان، أو مغطاة بالبلاط أو الجبس تعتبر مهمة تنظيف المنزل من المهام اليومية

شركة التنظيف المثالي
يمكن تنظيف الجدران والأسقف من الغبار بشكل يومي، سواء أكانت الجدران مطلية بالدهان، أو مغطاة بالبلاط أو الجبس تعتبر مهمة تنظيف المنزل من المهام اليومية التي تلقى على عاتق كلّ ربة منزل، حيث إنّ تنظيف الغرف، والمطبخ، والأفنية الخارجية، والحمامات يتطلب وقتاً طويلاً وجهداً مضاعفاً للاستمتاع بشعور النظافة طوال الوقت، ولم تعد مهمة تنظيف المنزل صعبةً على ربة البيت وذلك لامتلاكها أدوات كهربائية تعينها على أداء جزء كبير من الأعمال المنزلية، الأمر الذي خفف العبء الكبير عنها، وسنذكر في هذا المقال طرقاً سهلة لتنظيف وترتيب المنزل بشكل عملي وبسيط، وتساعد على إنجاز الأعمال بطريقة سلسة، وبجهد أقل.