*cough, cough*
"...and live here..."

"...and do what we could to get by."

"Don't worry Lardee, we'll be okay."

"Hey, what's that noise? Is someone there?"
"...and do what we could to get by."
"Don't worry Lardee, we'll be okay."
"Hey, what's that noise? Is someone there?"

"Snail? It's you again!"

"What's that? You know the way home?"

"Movin' right along (doog-a-doon, doog-a-doon),
foot-loose and fancy freeeee..."

"Hooray, we're home!"
"Snail? It's you again!"
"What's that? You know the way home?"
"Movin' right along (doog-a-doon, doog-a-doon),
foot-loose and fancy freeeee..."
"Hooray, we're home!"
Maybe you guys should stay indoors for a while, okay?
The End
What a splendid ending!
*Go Bears!*
Yay!!! A new story! These totally make my day. Thank you so much for keeping this up!
this absolutely made my friday...stinkin love these two little ones...
awww! home again, home again, jiggity jog.
Ah, I love a happy ending :)
YAY! I've been waiting! Love your awesome works, :)
Yay! Ickle and Lardee are back! I've been waiting for a new post. Love it. :)
Oh, I love it! The last picture is just gorgeous, and has left me with a warm, fuzzy glow. They are the cutest little things ever.
Also love the Muppet Movie song :D
Oh gosh! so cute man!
i really luv all your post~
ickle and lardee so cute!
its like they alive..
oh gosh keep on posting coz u really make my day LOL!
I really enjoy and love your stories! I am hoping for books I can read to my daughter who is now 10 weeks.
Keep it up!
Cheers from Kristian in Norway!
Thank you!!! Have been waiting for the 3rd part!! XD
Please make a book of them!
I'm totally welling up...
Heartwarming! I love these stories!
The last photo is killer! :D
oh they're SO cute :-)
sooooooo sweet
I <3 your stories!
MY LONG LOST 2nd cousin twice removed from Uncle Harry's 15 nieces and nephews with no teeth!!!.
Absolutely beautiful! (And addictive!)
Have a fantastic weekend!
Kyaaa~~ <3 I looove yooou~~~and Ickle! And Lardee! \(^3^)/
I've had such a tough week at work, and this post just made me feel so much better! Thank you!
What a perfect way to end a Friday night! Ickle and Lardee are too adorable!!
I adore how you gave Lardee little tears. Your work is so wonderful. Thank you!
I was happy to see the snail make his comeback in this one. The shot of him reaching over to Lardee was awesome! My favorite, of course, were the bundled teef at the end. Cute. :)
Oh boy. I hope they further explore their busking talents. Are you also a part time Snail Wrangler?
Yay, happy end!
they're too adorable. :D
this absolutely made my day!
They´re so cute!
The last photo is adorable.
Oh, I love them, they are adorable! Thanks for keeping it up!
Wonderful, just wonderful. If you don't mind, I am going to make you my featured blog this next week. They are so much fun. :) M
I love, love, love this! It put a huuuuge smile on my face. =)
Yay! They finally got home! Can't wait for another adventure!
Oh wow, I had never thought of it until I read the other comments, but if you WERE to make a book (nice, glossy, and pretty), I would totally buy one, and get some as gifts too.
Your work is great! Thanks for sharing it, and keep it up.
Lardee cried! so cute!
made me super happy!
oh. my. god. the AMAZING LARDEE. that totally cracked me up! this is really unbelievably cute and realistic. ickle scared poor lardee to tears with his ominous words, lol! i wish i could be like a toof too, wrapped up nice and warm in a red blanket. i love your pictures!
Oh! I love it! You are so creative and you tell such a good story. I love the part where they picture their lives as homeless milk teefs.
This is beautiful just beautiful, it cheered me up on a dark day. Thank you <3
So sweet! I just love these images you create!
Oh - my - God..! >_< *squeaks with glee* They're just so darn adorable. I mean, wah! Their pure cuteness is killing me~ :3
Yay! They made it home. I want to be bundled up and drinking tea too :)
I love this!! This is a great blog, thanks :) I enjoy reading these stories!!
*diez of cute*
O.M.G. I can't take it! *faint*
awww its sooo cute :D
I think Ickle and Lardee should adopt snail.
AAAAHHHHHH that ending was priceless.
though i liked the image of "the amazing lardee"~~ but i wouldn't want them to be out in the streets forever!!!
thank you inhae! this was too cute ^^
I love them! They are so cute! :D
I love this wonderful story.
Thank you.
Oh! Is so cute! Makes me feel like a ickle kid again!
I laughed out loud at the Amazing Lardee sign. And then I cried a little when Lardee cried because I didn't want him to be scared! These teef have become REAL to me, which is kind of unsettling.
Reading this made my toothache go away. Happy to have ickle & Lardee home and safe after such a grand adventure :)
this made my day :)
awwww the amazing lardee is way too cute T_T
i want to kiss & huggle him ;_;
OOOH! They got home safe!
This made my Friday Thank you!
Thanks for cheering up a late work-night! Love I & L, and it's amazing you got the snail to co-operate!!
how effing beautiful!!! so precious!!!!
you made me smile :)
hehehe WEee!! As i was reading i thought Ickle and Lardee will be stuck somewhere but thanks to the snail that brought them back home safe. *big grins*
love the end :)
Your blog is so cute! I wish my teef would come visit.
Aw... They are so cute! Love this.
I got a little nervous there in the middle, but then...snail to the rescue! Ickle and Lardee are adorable, and the ending was the best part!
YAY snail!
I love the two little bundled up teef at the end.
Your fantastic!
I love your blog..
they're so cute!
OK, I was glad to read that Molly said she cried a little when Lardee cried. I did too!! I was really worried they would not find their way home! PLEASE PLEASE put this into a book. And a t-shirt with the teef on it would make wonderful gifts...don't you think? *hopes*
Thank you so much for this wonderful blog. It really does make me feel happy and brightened another slog through the work week.
i love you.
i love them.
Oh those Dutch angles... remind me too much of the Resident Evil series. Dun dun DUUUN!
Also first time reader, amazing photocomic! :D
Wonderful! I love your photos and story!
Snail <3
This is gorgeous! Beautifully done! I love it, everytime! =)
i love how the writing has sharpened over the months. it's become bare, clean and pitch perfect - and lovingly paired to each shot.
Ickle and Lardee are just "crazy awesome".
komapseumnida inhae-sshi.
-Lorenzo (Irvine, CA)
Oh this tickles me pink! I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. How adorably cute. I am glad they made it home safe and sound.
So sweet, and a lot of beautifull pics :)
ahahhaah that was cute.
Yay! Part 3! And Yay! They made it home safe & sound.
I came across your blog by accident one day and have to tell you it's one of the sweetest things I've ever read.
The purity & sweet innocence of Lardee and ickle just gives me a boost after a nasty week. So, thank you! :)
AWW! The amazing Lardee! Very, very cute!
the last picture was just too adorable~!
this grand adventure is SO VERY CUTE and I just want more of ickle and lardee!
*applause to your great photography and story*
can't wait for your next post to brighten up my day :D
THis is just great...
I am looking for the next story.. you made my day :) who ever you are I love you for this beautiful creation...
just wonderful..
Hey! You have the most amazing blog ever! And I dont wanna ask how much time you put on it! But I LOVE IT!!!
i really really really really love these stories! oh my gossshh.. you are too cool! xD
but anyway, i have a phobia of snail. could you stop posting those pics that contain snail?
oh my gosh.. it made me scream, you know?
I was looking forward to your next update, and it totally made my day! I was smiling real big like a complete idiot while reading your blog. Thank you so much for spreading happiness :]
omg the snail!! hilarious :D and was lardee doing a head spin?!?!
I too hope that this will be a book one day...
omg this is so cute!
awww, they are back home! happy happy! :x :x :x
A wonderful conclusion to a delightful adventure for the two toofy friends...
oh my God!! they're tottaly cuteee!!! I love my teeth even moe now :)
What a prefect ending for the adventure!
Will snail come drop by and visit them again?
I echo the others. Great ending. I love these characters. I want this as a kid book, something. Some kind of keepsake. I really like your idea and art!
Thanks for sharing!
Oh yeah, I love that the snail gets the shoe for his foot!
SO cute. I wish i had a toof XD
this is so adorable!
Loves these two little guys.....so sad seeing tears in Lardee's eyes though!
I love it
I want a toof too :D
Wow! I'm so glad you both got home again. I got really worried because that 'bear' looked more like one of the ROUS*es from the Princess Bride. That would have made for a very untimely end to ickle and lardee! (*Rodent Of Unusual Size)
What a fantastic new post! I actually laughed aloud when I saw the photo of Lardee trying to make his living on the streets. What amazing attention to detail in that photo.
The last picture just made for the most heartwarming and endearing conclusion possible. Way to go - I love your blog.
those are so cuteeeeeeee!!!!!! I want them oh my god =p
Aaaaww. So cute! I love the last photo and "the amazing lardee" *hugs*;) xoxo
I love your blog.. too many awww moment and love ever one of them
Love it. Brightens my day. Keep on doing it!
Is that snail a fake???
hi inhae emo! this is a great story! i love it when lardee cries! it's really cute!
this is just the best! so cute. Love it./love from sweden
love your website! love the adventures of toof!
I totally fell in love. =)
They are almost...ALMOST!...as darling as my two little grandboys.
Good ol' snail: Always there to help the little creatures in peril.
This is so beautiful! Your art is amazing, absolutly. Your ideas are wonderful; I especially love the toof cleaning one. I have an idea for a new one, if you'd like to hear it. Maybe Ikcle and Lardee could have a pet? Not a snail, perhaps a beetle or something. Just saying! I love this site, and it is DEFINATELY my favorite. Good work!
They're so darling!
Seeing Lardee's little tears was heartbreaking, but the last photo makes up for it 100%!
Thank you snail!
The last image is precious!
yay!! so cute. you do such an awesome job with these stories. you should sell tshirts or dolls or something. :)
Aww this is awesome!
Awww po Lardee and his little tears. :O I love ickle and Lardee!! <3 Awesome job!
aw ickle and lardee are so cute. thanks for posting these and keep it up! ;-)
I love Lardee. His chubby little face makes me smile.
ickle and lardee make me so happy. Do you have any plans on turning this all into a childrens' book? I'm sure kids would love this!! Nice job once again, Inhae!!
(i've place you on my blogroll; i seriously think this is my fav blog out there right now!!)
Just love ickle and lardee! Great work!
Utterly adorable!
Love your blog :) very nice little stories, great idea, keep it up.
i just want to hug Lardee when he was crying..it breaks my heart..
nice work..made my day..
Awww, look at Lardee’s little tears, poor litte thing! :) The last photo is just adorable. Thanks for sharing, I’ll post about your blog in mine ASAP, I still have such a HUGE smile on my face thanks to you! :D Greetings from Scotland.
I can't get enough of these little guys.
Ahhhhh, THANK YOU! :D
im so obsessed with this blog please make more for my sanity- petite in sandiego
Oh what fun. So glad snail helped out.
Oh...the little tears...so sweet. I love Milk Toof.
wow what a grand idea. first time here. love it :D
Lovely. Really glad I found this place. Thanks for making me smile. Again. ;)
Thank you so much! Your stories make me smile, every single time. Please keep going!
*Go Bears!*
I love Lardee.. he and the snail are so amazing :)
Thanks for sharing this amazing story.
this is amazing
They are just so cute, words cannot explain how I feel about them! :)
the ending is so nice.
esp with blankets around them.
Wiee! I've been waiting for this post! Hope toofs are alright now! :)
Ever thought about summerize these warm and cute foto-stories in a book?? Not only kids would love to look&read the ickle and lardee adventures over and over again! Amazing!
omg this is freaking cute! love it!! hehe
Lovely and refreshing blog. I will be back for more!
Thank God they 're safe ^^'
yay!!!! they made it back nicely :) LOVE the snail! he's so cute too!!
pretty much, the best thing ever.
Lovely and heartwarming, thank you!
this is the cutest little thing ever!
You are simply amazing.
I've been following your blog for a while but now I'm calling myself your fan!
Keep up the magic!
Owh they're SOOOO CUUUTE :]
first time being here, tho.
One thing I liked about past posts was that you made Lardee's conversation in bolder text. :)
it makes me simle so much this sotry ^^
it's so cute ^^
awww, they're so sweet to snail :o)
ooookaaaay, so creative. i'm far behind:D
Excellent work! I'm a big fan.. Really love your stories... Looking forward to the next adventure! Cheers! =)
Nice information provide by you.
You are doing very well job! keep it up.
Buenisimo, los escenarios de lo mejor, me encanta la escena del baño, felicidades
I just love your blog and the cute ones.
Keep it up, please!
Hugs from Cicci in Sweden
Damn, after finishing with your archive, I am left no choice but to tell you you've the most interesting blog ever! And you take really nice photo by the way.
Have a nice day :)
Beautiful story! :)
Ahh, Lardee got so worried. Don't worry, you're home now! Cheers to Ickle for being brave even when lost. :)
I love you guys !
Ickle and Lardee are amazing !!
I want they for me !!
=ˆ.ˆ= Kawaii
Ickle & Lardee - Fav teef of all time, I adore them! luv the last pic.... *chuu* ^o^
Adorable ending
I love these little guys soooooo much!
I just read this with my 4-year-old. We love this blog and the utterly delightful stories.
the sweetest thing!!! Love it! :)
How sweet :D
omg, this is so awsome. I'm almost crying, seriously!
this is FUNNie
I love your stories, they put a smile on my face :)
I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE those two little teef, I want to adopt them!
Good job on the amazing work you do.
I read the Adventure series to my 3 year old and he kept asking "Again" (wanting me to read and re-read). I'm really enjoying your stories. They are so unique and clever! Wish I had thought of this but I could never do it justice like you have.
Keep up the AWESOME work!
Awww this is so cute!
I love these milk teef!
I absolutely ADORE the adventures of the milk toofs! :)
OMG.. so cute. Am going to blog feature you in August.
What is the story behind Lardee and the red shoe on his.. err.. head?
oh, thas to cute!
Cute, and a funny snail:D
you are a genius.
must have been really tough to take those pictures with the snail. Great job! :)
i love the sweet ending. they're so adorableee !
They are so cute<3<3 Promise that you won't quit making theese cute stories<3
awwwwww i love the end ;D their mouth like ''Okay'' owww so cute i love it ;D
Just one word for the whole adventure they had: cute! They're so cute, especially the one with the shoe. Hehe! This can be a good bedtime story for little kids. It will make them feel more sympathetic to their teeth, don't you think? Anyways, the photos are also beautiful!
The single most adorable thing in the world... my sister and i love it!!!!!!!!!
Coisinhas mais fofas que já vi!!! Virei fã!
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