Saturday, March 6, 2010

Training Wheels

Training Wheels


dunkel said...

Driving is HARD.

Ann Wright said...

Go man, go!

Monica said...

Aww that's so cute! *pokes mini witches hats*

Torahn said...

Haha !
They should learn fingerboard ! ^^

Mega - Tinydolce said...

oooh, go go, lardee! I'm sure you can! :)

jules:0 said...

awwww! so cute C: they've grown up so fast :') i ♥ your photography skills, inhae ;D

HM said...

Yay new Milk Toof! Watch out pedestrians!

Emmie Wong said...

Oh dear.. he just failed his license D:

poor toof

karen said...

aw cute

connoisseur-of-cute said...

LOL! Look at ickle hiding behind the sign... gotta watch out or he'll be run over. :)

Thanks Inhae for a lovely post!

Maria said...

awwww how adorable!

cartoonfruit said...

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :)

Doki☺Heytor said...

Go on milk toof! don't give up! but don't crash in everything too!

AYDesign said...

You can do it, Lardee!

SewSweetStitches said...

-"What if those had been people??!"
-"They were cones!"

Wilde said...

Aw, they are so cute!

Amanda Waltman - Art of Subtlety Photography said...

i get so excited when a new post pops up! this one is adorable, as usual. :)

kinky_boot_beast said...

WHEEEEEE Knocking over cones is fun!

Roosa said...

Go Lardee, you can do it! <3 :)

CLaudia said...

Go for it Lardee!
(L) you mans!

motionocean said...

awww : )

@ngel said...

this is cute!!!!

Annie said...

Waaaaah too cute! <333333333

Mari said...

aww so cute ♥ :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, dear, and security? Where is your helmet?
No equipment, extra caution.

Anonymous said...

so cute!

STEFANIE said...

oops! ^-^

Mademoiselle Laíse Carla ♥ said...

so cute cute!! I love Lardde!! Hugs from Braziiill!!

joods said...

i think with some practice, practice, practice....and more practice lardee will do just fine.
:) perhaps ickle has his doubts.
love you li'l guys!

Lize said...

That's so cute! I love your blog :) !

Anonymous said...

Gooo!! So cute..!

Anonymous said...

haha, i guess he needs more practice ;p

M said...

Oh, great! A new story! I love it!

Lauren said...

I have to tell you how much I love My Milk Toof. I could be in such a terrible mood (i.e. right now) but just a few pictures, always simple and so sweet, have this unbelievable ability to make me smile and enjoy my day a bit more. Please keep them coming. I love your little friends :)


practise make perfection!

Unknown said...

Poor Lardee!! He looks like he's having fun though!

Tone : ) -Norges største Disneyblogg! said...

Haha, so sweet! I realized I've read every single post in this blog, but never posted a comment. I've decided to start leaving comments, cause this is the best blog I know about. :-)

sofia said...

cute! <3 ;>

Karin said...

This blog is adorable (:!

c.a.r.o.l.i.t.h.e. said...

oooops! (but knocking over cones is fun :D)

ickle looks a little worried hiding behind that sign.. i'm not sure it will protect him from Lardee's style of biking..!

love it.. thanks Inhae!

How Sam Sees It said...

Hi! I've been following for a while and love you pictures! I am embarassed to say, I think my first driving test looked like this!

Unknown said...

Ahhh! This just too adorable! I hope Lardee pass his test! :)

Mez. said...

Aww; this is adorable.

Anonymous said...

Good to see the Toofs are doing their bit for the environment.

Maypia said...

I love them. They are so cute. Always make me smile. :D

Anonymous said...

they are so cute. always make me smile. i love them ;)

Sarah said...

Ut O! Wheres his helmet!
Hehe so cute

DREW said...

I just want to say that I love your thinking and ideas.

Anonymous said...

I just noticed the Professor Layton book thing in the background! Is it a picture book?

Blacky said...

Larde Larde Larde gooooo ^^ so cute ♥

Anonymous said...

need more posts :(

yaaaaaay im from brazil :O

i think im the only one

Anonymous said...

Do you have like 1 Lardee and 1 ickle? or have you made one figure for every "look"? I'm just curious :) Love your photos and short stories!!

Marie Therese said...

So adoreable. You have probably heard it a thousand times allready, but you brighten my day :)

nana said...

love it

Luísa, said...

absolutely cute :333

Unknown said...

Adoro esses dentinhos queridos!
I love them!

Aili Masuda said...

I just found out about this blog and I love it!! Yesterday I read the ALL the posts. I probably haven't laughed so much since last year. Keep goign at this!!

pipulu said...

Hello, nice to be here. Cheers and have a good time. Thanks for the inspiration.

Nekita said...

ohoooo pas facile d'apprendre à faire de la bicyclette, mmmh ?

je suis en France tout à côté de Paris et suis une VRAIE fan de Lardee et Ickle !
bravo bravo !

not easy to learn to ride a bicycle,
I'm in France right next to Paris and am a TRUE fan of Lardee and Ickle


julia. said...

i love this!

Larissa said...

nossa! adoooro suas historinhas! amo mesmo eu sou do brasil e amo mesmo viu !? beejs

Unknown said...

Drive lardee, drive! Go, go cute! ;)

Unknown said...

go lardee go!!!

S-D said...

oh my gosh they are sooo cute :D

gih said...

Can I play that too? That's cool, really cool.

Anonymous said...

awwwww :D so cute!

ifah said...

they're so adorable!!

Karen said...

aw Super Cute!! and nice wheels :D

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