I know they're taking a break from the outdoors, but I keep hoping they'll go camping...maybe indoor camping of some kind, and ickle can read Lardee a scary story...
ickle and Lardee are my heroes. I love their adventures and itty-bitty goodness. It's funny how much I cherish and love these little guys. I wish I had a milk toof of my very own. Inhae, you have added another sweet and smiley spot to the world. Thank you! You're a genius.
Nothing better on a warm, summer afternoon. (a little rinse in the tub after, maybe). Always wonderful. (if anyone is interested, I did a piece of fan art devoted to the dear Toofs. http://frohickey.deviantart.com/art/Milk-Toofs-are-Scared-128864271
gosh! i've never really liked watermelons but seeing the teefs go like that just makes me think that maybe watermelons aren't that bad after all...if they're good enough for lardee, they're definitely good enough for me! :)
Ahahaha! Hilarious. Poor ickle has eaten far too much for his own good. I love the look on his face - just perfect at expressing how much he's overeaten.
The sticky table and scattered seeds are a wonderfully authentic touch.
Great stuff here!!! Keep up the good work. I've bookmarked your page for the last while and always get a smile when I see a new posting. Thanks for making my day!
I keep thinking they can't possibly get cuter, but they do! Time and time again! Snoozin in a watermelon hammock! That's so sweet. Don't get a tummyache, Lardee!
المكيّف هو جهاز يعمل بالطاقة الكهربائية، حيث يساهم في تعديل حرارة الجو عن طريق رفعها أو خفضها تبعاً لحالة الطقس، مما يساهم في المحافظة على درجة حرارة الجسم، بالإضافة للحفاظ على نشاطه وحيويته. . ومن الممكن صنع المكيفات في المنازل، وبأبسط الطرق مما يساهم في توفير المال، بالإضافة للمساهمة في استغلال المواد الموجودة، وفي هذا المقال سنعرض لكم عدّة طرق سهلة لعمل تكييف منزلي شركة تنظيف مكيفات بالرياض تعتبر مهمة تنظيف المنزل من المهام اليومية التي تلقى على عاتق كلّ ربة منزل، حيث إنّ تنظيف الغرف، والمطبخ، والأفنية الخارجية، والحمامات يتطلب وقتاً طويلاً وجهداً مضاعفاً للاستمتاع بشعور النظافة طوال الوقت، ولم تعد مهمة تنظيف المنزل صعبةً على ربة البيت وذلك لامتلاكها أدوات كهربائية تعينها على أداء جزء كبير من الأعمال المنزلية، الأمر الذي خفف العبء الكبير عنها، وسنذكر في هذا المقال طرقاً سهلة لتنظيف وترتيب المنزل بشكل عملي وبسيط، وتساعد على إنجاز الأعمال بطريقة سلسة، وبجهد أقل. شركة تنظيف فلل بالرياض
Have been waiting all day for this... hahahahahahahaha Thanks!
Oh my!!! This one is one of my faves!
ooh! I just had watermelon too! so yummy. lardee better watch out or he will eat too much!
Hahaha! Watermelon coma!
Lardee's going to have a big belly ache tomorrow!
perfect summer afternoon...
i love it! i just can't stop smiling :D
waa~~ he sure is bloating~ =p
too adorable! i did the same today!
This is definitely my favorite so far! Although the misspelled spaceship was adorable, too. =)
this brighten up my day :D
Such cuuuuute teef
Lardee's my fave :D be careful not to eat too much :P
OMG!!! This may be my favorite! Soooo cute!
I haven't been following Milk Toof long...but I was wondering where I can get a milk toof of my own. I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!!!
sooo cute.. lardee and ickle are sa sute.. lardee should watch out or he will become fat, but thats okay, he will still remain cute... hehe
I know they're taking a break from the outdoors, but I keep hoping they'll go camping...maybe indoor camping of some kind, and ickle can read Lardee a scary story...
My second child, a boy, weighed 12 pounds at birth. I craved watermelon like crazy during that pregnancy. Any connection there, do you think?
HAHAHAHA poor ickle(?)
he ate more than he should've
thank you so much for sharing! this made me so happy
I love both of them~adorable~!
Oh my goodness - completely cute!
how ideal - to eat the watermelon, then sleep on the rind...go lardee go, keep at it :D
soooo adorable. i couldn't find another word to describe this. LOVE IT.
ickle and Lardee are my heroes. I love their adventures and itty-bitty goodness. It's funny how much I cherish and love these little guys. I wish I had a milk toof of my very own.
Inhae, you have added another sweet and smiley spot to the world. Thank you! You're a genius.
oh that is just too cute <333
Nothing better on a warm, summer afternoon. (a little rinse in the tub after, maybe).
Always wonderful.
(if anyone is interested, I did a piece of fan art devoted to the dear Toofs. http://frohickey.deviantart.com/art/Milk-Toofs-are-Scared-128864271
Hahahaha. This one had me laughing out loud like an idiot :D
Ickle and Lardee's expressions are hilarious. and you've put in such attention to detail. I love the droplet of watermelon juice on Ickle's chin. LOL.
Thank you for the smiles and laughs! Your blog always brightens my day.
wow, they did a good job with the seeds! :)
one can get really tired when eating a water melon :)
cute as always!
OH my! such gluttony :)
gosh! i've never really liked watermelons but seeing the teefs go like that just makes me think that maybe watermelons aren't that bad after all...if they're good enough for lardee, they're definitely good enough for me! :)
The dribble, wallowing in the rind-turned-hammock, the sticky table, the fan. I can feel this one and it's all good.
so sweet
That's adorable!! XD
gosh! they're so cute! xDDDDD
adorable and cute, oh what a cute milky toof!
Watermelon, yummy!
sooooooooo cute eating lots of watermelon *giggles*
Happy Weekend Ickle and Lardee!!!
What a perfect summer day for the teef! For the first time, I am sad to see Friday since it means the week of teef will soon end. :(
So cute :) Watermelon, yummy!
this is definately one of my favorites!
Was just wondering... can Lardee & Ickle sing?? I think that will be cute! :)
perfect! be careful of the seeds, fellas.
MUhaHAhaHA ... those little guys ... gotta love them ;o)
haha, that's just too cute <3
Life is good.... really super cute and good!
Awesome! Keep up the good work.
Non! Mais quelle bande de goinfres ces 2 quenottes! Pouah! Ils vont être tout collants, une bonne douche et hop! Dans le hamac...
they are so cute! they always make me smile... and that definitively brightens my day!
Cool! :-D
Ahahaha! Hilarious. Poor ickle has eaten far too much for his own good. I love the look on his face - just perfect at expressing how much he's overeaten.
The sticky table and scattered seeds are a wonderfully authentic touch.
Oh! Lardee makes my day every time! I heart you, Lardee!
my fave!
This is so cute!
This is so cute I want to die.
Great stuff here!!! Keep up the good work. I've bookmarked your page for the last while and always get a smile when I see a new posting. Thanks for making my day!
hahahahaha.... this is my favourite among the summer collection! yeah!
LOL...love the little dribble on the chin - just the right touch :)
Lardee just won't stop eating, cute!
poor ickle.. going to have some tummy ache soon :P
*giggles ahaa... that's heaven! :P
I keep thinking they can't possibly get cuter, but they do! Time and time again! Snoozin in a watermelon hammock! That's so sweet. Don't get a tummyache, Lardee!
good what i love ickle and lardee. they make my day, every day :)
I thought that was a scoop of icecream... yum lloll but still so cute!
euh ouais c'est de l'art
how effing precious!!!!
They're simply adorable :D
super cuuuteee x)
My second favorite!
nom nom nom!
Nothing better than watermelon on a hot summers day! But will they clean up the mess on the table once they're finished eating (and resting)? ;D
just want to say that you are incredibly amazing...
hahaha, i likie this!
So much effort to take this photo.
Eating and photo taking at the same time!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! It just gets better and better!
Haha! Water melon is my favourite fruits during summer, too! And I totally understand that you can eat so much of it! LOL
WOW! I Love it...
and i thing thats good for you >>
GOOD HEALTH Thank you!
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المكيّف هو جهاز يعمل بالطاقة الكهربائية، حيث يساهم في تعديل حرارة الجو عن طريق رفعها أو خفضها تبعاً لحالة الطقس، مما يساهم في المحافظة على درجة حرارة الجسم، بالإضافة للحفاظ على نشاطه وحيويته.
. ومن الممكن صنع المكيفات في المنازل، وبأبسط الطرق مما يساهم في توفير المال، بالإضافة للمساهمة في استغلال المواد الموجودة، وفي هذا المقال سنعرض لكم عدّة طرق سهلة لعمل تكييف منزلي
شركة تنظيف مكيفات بالرياض
تعتبر مهمة تنظيف المنزل من المهام اليومية التي تلقى على عاتق كلّ ربة منزل، حيث إنّ تنظيف الغرف، والمطبخ، والأفنية الخارجية، والحمامات يتطلب وقتاً طويلاً وجهداً مضاعفاً للاستمتاع بشعور النظافة طوال الوقت، ولم تعد مهمة تنظيف المنزل صعبةً على ربة البيت وذلك لامتلاكها أدوات كهربائية تعينها على أداء جزء كبير من الأعمال المنزلية، الأمر الذي خفف العبء الكبير عنها، وسنذكر في هذا المقال طرقاً سهلة لتنظيف وترتيب المنزل بشكل عملي وبسيط، وتساعد على إنجاز الأعمال بطريقة سلسة، وبجهد أقل.
شركة تنظيف فلل بالرياض
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